Local organising committee
Strategic committee
Bente E. Moen, Congress chair
Thorkild Tylleskär, Chair of the Scientific Committee
Karel Gyselinck, President of FESTMIH
Esther Jürgense, Administrator FESTMIH
Inger Lise Ravnanger, Director of PCO
Tamar Ghosh, ECTMIH 2019 organiser
Jon Wigum Dahl, Director Dept. of international collaboration Haukeland University Hospital
John-Arne Røttingen, Special Advisor – Ministry of Foreign Affairs Norway
Christian Lengeler, Director of The Swiss TPH
Local scientific committee

Professor Esperanza Diaz
Dr. Esperanza Diaz is a professor at the department of Global Public Health and Primary Care. Her main focus is on immigrant health. She is also the acting leader of the new Pandemic Centre in Bergen. The purpose of the pandemic centre is to provide innovative knowledge through research, teaching and dissemination.

Dr. Kurt Hanevik
Dr. Kurt Hanevik is a medical doctor and a specialist in infectious diseases. He is involved in research on Giardia and Cryptosporidium diagnostics, epidemiology and immunology.

Dr. Tore Sætersdal
Dr. Tore Sætersdal is a deputy director and academic coordinator for Global Challenges. He has experience in water and society.

Associate Professor Ana Lorena Ruano
Ana Lorena Ruano is a qualitative researcher using a rights-based approach to understand equity in health, marginalized communities, particularly indigenous people, and participation in the health system.

Professor Siri Gloppen
Siri Gloppen is the director of the Centre on Law & Social Transformation. Her research focus lies in the intersection between law and politics.

Professor Kjell Arne Johansson
Kjell Arne Johansson is a professor of medical ethics and philosophy of science and as a physician in the field of drug addiction. His key competencies are population ethics and distributive implications of health care, including economic evaluations, equality of health outcomes and financial risk protection.

Professor Ingunn Marie S. Engebretsen
Dr. Ingunn Marie S. Engebretsen is a expert in global mental health, reproductive health, child health and nutrition. She has several projects focusing on mental child health, nutrition and preventing mother-to-child HIV transmission.

Associate Professor Wenche Dageid
Wenche Dageid is a professor at the Department of Health Promotion and Development. She has special competence in health psychology, HIV/AIDS, resilience, development and health promotion.

Professor Ingvild Fossgard Sandøy
Dr. Ingvild Fossgard Sandøy has her expertise in HIV-epidemiology and prevention, sexual and reproductive health in LMICs, social epidemiology and global public health.
Karen Marie Moland is a professor at the department for Global Public Health and Primary Care. Her competencies are global health policy in local contexts, health service utilisation and provision, gender, culture and maternal health, and adolescent reproductive health and rights.

Professor Rebecca Jane Cox Brokstad
Rebecca Jane Cox Brokstad is a virus expert and is the leader of the influenza centre at the University of Bergen.

Dr. Hans Flaatten
Dr. Hans Flatten is a specialist in anesthesiology. His research include adverse events after spinal anesthesia, adverse events in the ICU, quality management and improvement in the ICU and more.
Dr. Morten Lund-Johansen
Dr. Morten Lund-Johansen is a head physician in Neurosurgery at Haukeland University Hospital, and is responsible for providing Ethiopia with 35 specialist who can perform brain surgery.

Professor Thorkild Tylleskär
Professor Thorkild Tylleskär is a pediatrician and professor in International Health. His focus is on child health in a global perspective, nutrition, HIV and health informatics.

Professor Tehmina Mustafa
Dr. Tehmina Mustafa is a specialist in both pulmonary and internal medicine. Her expertise in various aspects of tuberculosis including epidemiological, clinical and basic laboratory research on immunology, pathology and diagnosis of disease.
Nancy Birungi
Nancy Birungi is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Bergen with research focus on oral health. Her current research project is on caries experience and oral health related quality of life in HIV-1 exposed uninfected children in Uganda.

Professor Eva Gerdts
Professor Eva Gerdts is a cardiologist and Chair of the Center for research on cardiac disease in women. She is currently involved with several projects researching high blood pressure, cardiovascular health, and cardiac and arterial function.

Professor Harleen Grewal
Dr. Harleen Grewal is a Professor of Microbiology and Global Health. She currently leads several international projects within tuberculosis and acute respiratory diseases research with a focus on antimicrobial resistance and diagnostics to improve personalized therapy.

Associate Professor Kristine Mørch
Associate professor Kristine Mørch is a specialist in infectious diseases at Unit for Infectious diseases at Haukeland University hospital, and head of Norwegian National Advisory Unit on Tropical infectious diseases. Her main research interest is in giardiasis, malaria and febrile tropical diseases.
Ragnhild Dybdahl is an associate professor of global mental health at Centre for Crisis Psychology, Faculty of Psychology. Her focus areas are early childhood development, psychological trauma, and forced migration. In addition to academia, she has background as a clinician, aid worker, bureaucrat and diplomat.
Graziella Van den Bergh is associate professor at the Centre for International Health, UiB, and Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. She focuses on global disability and rehabilitation, ageing and reproductive health. She practised as physiotherapist/ rehabilitation consultant/ educator in Belgium, Norway, Tanzania and Sudan
Dr. Lars Lien
Dr. Lars Lien is a psychiatrist at the Norwegian National Advisory Unit on Concurrent Substance Abuse and Mental Health Disorders (ROP) and professor at Inland university college of applied science. He is involved in several public mental health and addiction projects in developing countries.
Research professor Carlos G. Das Neves is the director for research and international cooperation at the Norwegian Veterinary Institute. His expertise is on OneHealth, emerging diseases, food safety, molecular-biology, risk-assessment, virology and wildlife health. He is the President of the Wildlife Disease Association and a member of the Lancet One Health Commission and the Lancet COVID19 Commission Task Force.
Professor Lars Thore Fadnes
Dr. and professor Lars Thore Fadnes has a background in family medicine and tropical medicine and hygiene. His research focuses among other things on diet and nutrition, immigrant health and treatment of hepatitis C.

Associate Professor Anne Hatløy
Associate professor Anne Hatløy works within the fields of nutrition, health and social indicators, child labour and trafficking. She is also a research professor at Fafo in the group of Global Studies.
Hanne Rosendahl-Riise is an associate professor and research coordinator at Mohn Nutrion Research Laboratory. She focuses on clinical nutrition and one of her current projects are on carbohydrate staple food - facing the challenge to improve their quality for better metabolic health (CarbHealth).
Coronavirus day Committee

Professor Thorkild Tylleskär

Professor Rebecca Jane Cox Brokstad

Dr. Hans Flaatten
Carlos Gonzale des Neves

Professor Siri Gloppen

Professor Lise Rakner

Stig Tollefsen

Professor Esperanza Diaz
Extended Scientific Committee
Submission Reviewers
Christian Lengeler, Professor
Dr. Frantisek Stejskal
Dr. Françoise Gay-Andrieu
Esther Jurgens
Dr. Marco Albonico
Miriam Navarro Beltrá
Dr. Charlotta Rydgård
Anne Matthews, Professor
Dr. Carsten Köhler
Dr. Karel Gyselinck
Katrini Kadroen
Tiina Hirvioja, Doctoral Student
Dr. Miriam Orcutt
Gunilla Kulla, Associate professor
Dawit Shawel Abebe, Associate professor
Dr. Mike Zangenberg
Dr Koert Ritmeijer
Dr. Aamir J Khan
Dr. Lut Lynen
Dr. Bernadette Nirmal Kumar
Dr. Upendra Bhojani
Dr. Bruno Marchal
Dr. Veerle Vanlerberghe
Dr. Tom Decroo
Dr. Liselotte Hardy
Dr. Helena Nordenstedt
Dr. Pascal Magnussen
Dr. Troels Lillebæk
Dr. Philippe van de Perre
Dr. Jean-Pierre Molès
Dr. Ed Zijlstra
Dr. Tehmina Mustafa
Dr. Kristine Mørch
Dr. Øystein Haarklau Johansen
Dr. Andreas Mårtensson
Dr. Larissa Otero
Dr. Marianne van der Sande
Dr. Flemming Konradsen
Dr. Nina Langeland
Dr. Paul Bossyns
Dr. Véronique Zinnen
Dr. Antonieta Medina-Lara
Felipe Sere
Dr. Sara Van Belle
Dr. Susanna Mayhew
Arne H. Eide
Dr. Jeremy Lauer
Bjarne Robberstad
Dr. Christiane Horwood
Aline Labat
Max Petzold
Elisabeth Paul
Dr. Leon Bijlmakers
Dr. Eva Gerdts
Dr. Ragnhild Dybdahl
Dr. Cecilie Svanes
Catherine Schwinger
Dr. Jutta Dierkes
Anne Hatløy
Dr. Göran Bondjers
Dr. Stefaan Van Bastelaere
Anneli Eriksson
Dr. Jenny Löfgren
Dr. Johan von Schreeb
Marleen Bosmans
Dr. Samuel Van Steirteghem
Dr. Hallvard Reigstad
Dr. Sadhbh Lee
Dr. Lars-Åke Persson
Ola Andersson
Dr. James K. Tumwine
Dr. Frederik Frøen
Dr. Jon Øyvind Odland
Dr. Per Ashorn
Astrid Blystad
Dr. Jose Martines
Dr. Johanne Sundby
Dr. Geir Gunnlaugsson
Dr. Mats Målqvist
Dr. Suman Rijal
Dr. Bjørn Iversen
Dr. Jean-Pierre Van Geertruyen
Graziella van den Bergh
Dr. Marc-Alain Widdowson
Dimitri Renmans
Dr. Koen Peeters
Dr. Magne Bråtveit
Dr. Bernhard Fleischer
Dr. Klara Sondén
Dr. Josè Muñoz

- is organised by the University of Bergen (UiB) on behalf of the Federation of European Societies for Tropical Medicine and International Health (FESTMIH)
- with enabling partners (Centre for International Health, UiB; Haukeland University Hospital; Global Health Norway, the Norwegian Research School of Global Health; and the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (RSTMH))
- and sponsors (Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH); the European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP); and Merck)
- and supported by the Research Council of Norway.
- The abstracts will be presented in a special issue of the Journal of Tropical Medicine & International Health (TMIH).